Sacred Place | Soul Plan Reading Analysis
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Soul Plan Reading Analysis

Soul Plan Reading Analysis

Soul Plan Reading Analysis is an incredibly valuable and powerful system of Soul analysis. A profound system that uncovers ones Soul Contract, revealing the full potential that each human being brings into this life. This information is critical for those people wishing to contribute positively to the ‘new paradigm shift‘ taking place in our society right now. This powerful analysis reveals not only the thoughts/behavioral patterns but also reveals the main archetypes that influence the conscious and unconscious mind. Specific health conditions will be mentioned during this reading. This analysis explains the major life cycles, together with the karmic lessons that must be resolved in order for new opportunities to be manifested. The Soul Plan Reading reveals an individual’s Challenges, Talents and Purpose to be achieved from both the Physical and Spiritual world perspective.


Before we incarnate, each person has a ‘soul contract’, a purpose that should be ideally accomplished in this life. Individual readings are based upon the sound vibration of your birth name (as it appears on your birth certificate). The name is the blueprint, specific and unique that represents the individual’s own energetic vibration and frequency. Upon receiving this very personal and powerful information, clients experience a great shift of personal awareness and perception of themselves and their role in the world. This in turn is a healing process which greatly reduces the negative effects of limiting beliefs and patterns one may carry. This powerful and insightful analysis is fundamental to anyone wishing to live to their full potential and pass safely through this paradigm shift we are all now facing. This reading is a wonderful tool to support not only couple relationships but also is a tool to be applied for business name identification and/or optimization.

Soul Plan Reading Analysis
1-2 Hours via Skype